Food Fight

In Canada these are called Frosted Flakes.
In Canada these are called Frosted Flakes.
In Canada these are called Rice Krispies.
In Canada these are called Rice Krispies.
In Canada these are called Raisin Bran.
In Canada these are called Raisin Bran.

Well, it isn’t the kind of food fight you are thinking about. I mean a food fight of names. At the store, we saw some items that we sort of recognized except the characters looked a little different and the names were different. Rice Krispies are Rice Bubbles, Frosted Flakes are Frosties, raisin bran is sultana bran and sausages are snags.

4 Comments on “Food Fight

  1. When we lived in Japan, we always felt excited to go to the grocery store. There were so many different things — a whole aisle of soy sauce and vinegars, tons and tons of noodles (including horse-flavoured noodles!!), and in their snack aisles, where we have bags of potato chips, they have dried fish! I wonder what different kinds of food you will find in Australia? Your posts are great, Carlen! Are you taking the same kinds of subjects in school that you would be at home?

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